The Why Europe Podcast

The importance of Youth Work with Andy Osenton 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Here in GEM, we speak with many are interested in "vocational ministry", especially youth work. 

In this episode of the "Why Europe?" podcast, we talk with Andy Osenton, who is based in Sunderland, England and has worked with Wearside Youth for Christ for the last 25 years. We discuss a few topics... 

- What is success in ministry?
- God's call is unique to every believer. 
- The importance of partnership with people to serve Sunderland.

Andy shares the love of Jesus with the youth of his community. WYFC is a partner with UK-USA ministries, who has direct involvement with GEM-UK. 

To learn more or to give to WYFC, visit : 

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